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Prevention of Trafficking in Human Beings in the Western Balkans through educational activities and capacity building of schools - Regional Trafficking in Schools Programme (Albania)

Since 1999, IOM’s counter-trafficking programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina provides protection to victims of trafficking (VoTs) beings through its shelter network, promotes prevention by raising awareness of trafficking and builds the capacity of the Government and local NGOs to manage counter-trafficking activities and facilitate the prosecution of traffickers. IOM’s previous prevention activities in BiH included training media on the reporting of trafficking issues, portraying the risks and dangers of trafficking, providing information on services available to VoTs, and distributing reproductive health information to VoTs and BiH youth. 


The project aims to prevent trafficking in human beings through educational and capacity building activities that raise awareness in schools. The project will establish a network amongst the Ministries of Education and teachers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, provide training and support to those educators on the issues of trafficking, and develop educational materials for use in pilot schools. The project targets BiH Educators in Ministries and schools, potential victims of trafficking as well as the general public.

To implement the Prevention of Trafficking in Human Beings in the Western Balkans through Educational Activities and Capacity Building of Schools, IOM cooperates with the BiH State Coordinator for Counter-Trafficking and Illegal Immigration, BiH Ministries of Education and local NGOs.



The overall objectives of the project are to:

•   Increase the overall involvement of BiH Ministries of Education in counter-trafficking activities;
•   Establish a regional educators' network to include Ministries of Education and teachers;
•   Enable a constructive exchange of information and practices in educational counter trafficking activities;
•   Build the capacity of BiH schools to act preventively against trafficking through the training of teachers;
•   Develop educational materials on trafficking to be used in schools;
•   Consolidate information on successful models and best practices of prevention of trafficking in schools.



IOM will establish a network between the BiH Ministries of Education and teachers to enhance their collaboration and broaden the exchange of information regarding counter-trafficking activities.


Teachers from 10 pilot schools along with the representatives of the Ministries of Education have participated in two capacity building workshops. They have been trained to train other teachers to deliver lessons on counter-trafficking issues.


Educational materials on the issues of trafficking will be developed for future use in BiH primary and high schools. Topics to be included in the materials are trafficking in human beings, illegal migration, domestic and gender violence and sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS. The materials will be drafted in cooperation with the Ministries of Education and teachers, and tested with the help of local NGOs in pilot schools and other arranged venues for children not in school. The materials are expected, when validated, to be added to the regular BiH school curricula.


A manual of best practices in counter trafficking as well as a report on the progress made will be published.



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