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March 2013

Building the Capacities of Law Enforcement Officials to Implement Activities at a Police Cooperation Centre

The International Organization for Migration – IOM, Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, announces starting of the project titled ‘Building the Capacities of Law Enforcement Officials to Implement Activities at a Police Cooperation Centre’, financed by the UK Government.

The project will encompass police officers from the Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia.

The establishment of a Police Cooperation Centre in Bosnia and Herzegovina will introduce an efficient system for identification and fight against illegal migration, in accordance with Schengen standards of border security. In this context, it will also ensure harmonisation of regional systems of border management with the regulations of the European Union, which is one of the goals of BiH on its path towards European Integration.

This initiative will contribute to the strengthening of police cooperation in the fight against cross-border crime and similar occurrences related to crime, through replicating the successful European model of Police Cooperation Centres.

The initiative will be managed by the IOM, which will, in consultation with the partners, ensure coordinated implementation of the working plan.

The global economic crisis, as well as political instability, have had a significant effect on the nature of migration flows in the region, resulting in an increased number of irregular migrants from extraregional countries of origin, who transit, and frequently are apprehended in BiH, as well as those from countries of the region, who are intending to enter European Union member states.

Without strengthening the existing regional cooperation and the introduction of new mechanisms, the borders of the European Union in Western Balkans region could become a highly porous entry point, which would place an additional burden on the law enforcement agencies.

BiH and South-East Europe region remain an important transit route for irregular migrants, as well as the illegal smuggling of goods, people, drugs, arms, and stolen vehicles. The capacities of state agencies in South-East Europe exist, but could be additionally strengthened through enhanced regional cooperation and information exchange.

Please click here to download press release.

Mart 2013

Izgradnja kapaciteta policijskih službenika za provedbu aktivnosti u Centru za policijsku saradnju

Medunarodna organizacija za migracije – IOM, Misija u Bosni i Hercegovini najavljuje pokretanje projekta pod nazivom „Izgradnja kapaciteta policijskih službenika za provedbu aktivnosti u Centru za policijsku saradnju” kojeg finansijski podržava vlada Velike Britanije.

Projektom ce biti obuhvaceni policijski službenici iz granicnih policija Bosne i Hercegovine, Crne Gore i Srbije.

Uspostavljanje Centra za policijsku saradnju u Bosni i Hercegovini ce uvesti efikasan sistem za identifikaciju i borbu protiv nezakonitih migracija, u skladu sa šengenskim standardima granicne sigurnosti. U ovom kontekstu, dodatno ce se pospješiti uskladivanje regionalnih sistema granicnog menadžmenta sa zakonskim regulativama Evropske Unije, što je i jedan od ciljeva BIH na putu ka evropskim integracijama.

Ova inicijativa ce doprinijeti pojacavanju policijske saradnje u borbi protiv prekogranicnog kriminala i slicnih pojava povezanih sa kriminalom, kroz repliciranje uspješnog evropskog modela Centara za policijsku saradnju (PCC).

Inicijativa ce biti upravljana od strane IOM-a, koji ce, u konsultaciji sa partnerima, u narednom periodu pripremiti koordiniranu implementaciju radnog plana.

Globalna ekonomska kriza kao i politicka nestabilnost imaju znacajan efekat na prirodu migracijskih tokova u regionu, što rezultira povecanim brojem nezakonitih migranata iz država van Jugoistocne Evrope koji prolaze i cesto bivaju uhvaceni u BiH, ali i iz država regiona, a koji nastoje da udu u neku od clanica Evropske Unije.

Bez jacanja postojece regionalne saradnje i bez uvodenja novih mehanizama, granice Evropske Unije u regiji Zapadnog Balkana mogle bi postati veoma porozna tacka ulaska, što bi stavilo dodatan teret na agencije koje se bave provodenjem zakona.

BiH i region Jugoistocne Evrope i dalje su važna tranzitna ruta za nezakonite migrante kao i za nezakonito krijumcarenje robe, ljudi, droge, oružja i ukradenih automobila. Kapaciteti državnih agencija u Jugoistocnoj Evropi postoje, ali mogu biti dodatno ojacani kroz poboljšanu regionalnu saradnju i razmjenu podataka.

Da biste skinuli obaviještenje za medije, molimo Vas pritisnite ovdje.

2011 January - Konjic

The YERP team continued its activities with the organization of a training related to migration for CISO employees

The YERP team continued its activities with the organization of a training related to migration for CISO employees. The training was held in Konjic from January 24th to 29th, 2011. Thirty-three CISO employees successfully completed this training.

The overall objective of this training was to increase the knowledge and skills that CISO employees will need to counsel potential youth migrants on the opportunities and procedures related to regular migration as well as on the potential dangers of irregular labour migration.
Specific objectives of the training were:
• To familiarize CISO employees with migration issues of regional relevance;
• To provide CISO employees a basic understanding of International Migration Law and migration legislation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and where to find additional information;
• To give CISO employees access to relevant information that will help potential migrants make decisions about seeking work abroad;
• To help CISO employees contribute to the prevention of trafficking in human beings, with a focus on B&H youth;
• To give CISO employees the information that will help them to raise awareness of migrants’ contribution to development in BiH.
• To help CISO employees support young people who wish to return to BiH for work.

Based on CISO employee needs in their upcoming work, YERP will organise additional targeted trainings related to migration.

Januar 2011 - Konjic

Aktivnosti IOM-a u okviru komponenta 3 YERP projekta su nastavljene organizovanjem obuka vezanih za migracije za uposlenike Centara za informisanje, savjetovanje i obuku (CISO)

Aktivnosti IOM-a u okviru komponenta 3 YERP projekta su nastavljene organizovanjem obuka vezanih za migracije za uposlenike Centara za informisanje, savjetovanje i obuku (CISO).  Obuke su odrzane u Konjicu od 24. do 29. januara 2011.  Ukupno su obucena 33 CISO zaposlenika.
Opći cilj ove obuke je jačanje kapaciteta zaposlenika zaduženih za zapošljavanje mladih (CISO) u Bosni i Hercegovini u pogledu savjetovanja potencijalnih mladih migranata o mogućnostima i procedurama vezanim za regularne migracije, ali i o mogućim opasnostima vezanim za neregularne migracije radnika.

Konkretni ciljevi obuke su bili:

  • Upoznavanje CISO zaposlenike sa pitanjima migracije od regionalnog značaja (migracione politike i prakse);
  • Detaljnije upućivanje CISO zaposlenika u međunarodno migraciono pravo, te u bosanskohercegovačku zakonsku regulativu u oblasti migracija;
  • Pomoć CISO zaposlenicima u efikasnom pružanju usluga potencijalnim mladim radnicima migrantima;
  • Omogućavanje CISO zaposlenicima da daju svoj doprinos sprečavanju trgovine ljudima, sa fokusom na mlade u BiH.
  • Omogućavanje CISO zaposlenicima da informiraju javnost o mogućem doprinosu koji migranti mogu dati razvoju u svojoj zemlji porijekla.

U zavisnosti od potreba CISO zaposlenika i korisnika njihovih usluga, YERP komponenta 3 će organizovati i dodatne obuke iz oblasti radnih migracija.



IOM Director General William Lacy Swing with Valentin Inzko, High Representative, and Peter Schatzer, IOM Chief of Staff visit Sarajevo’s ancient synagogue.

2010 April 29 - Sarajevo

IOM Director General Visits Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sarajevo – On the 28th and 29th of April 2010, IOM Director General William Lacy Swing visited Sarajevo at the invitation of the Minister of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Austrian Minister of the Interior.  The occasion was the convening of a regional conference on “Intercultural Dialogue and Internal Security,” co-hosted by Austria and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Director General Swing opened the conference with a key note address to the gathering of ministers and other dignitaries from the Western Balkans.  The conference aimed to take a stance against radicalisation and offer a contribution to an environment of security that allows all people to live together in harmony in Central and South-Eastern Europe and beyond.

Conference participants and their hosts also visited various historic sites - the Cathedral of Jesus’ Heart, the Sarajevo Synagogue, the Church of the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel, the Gazi-Husrevbey Mosque, and the Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina – testament to the multi-cultural heritage of the city and the potential for inter-cultural tolerance. 

The Director General’s trip to Sarajevo also included a visit to the IOM Sarajevo office, where he met with IOM Sarajevo staff and IOM chiefs of mission from the Western Balkans.


2008 January 15 - Kobatovci

Delivery of Agricultural Equipment to Redundant and Discharged MoD personnel Under the NATO/PfP Trust Fund Programme

The International Organization for Migration (IOM), through the NATO/PfP Trust Fund Programmed (NTF) provided agricultural equipment to 26 redundant MoD personnel in Northern Bosnia, with a value of approximately 100,000 KM.

The official handing over of the machinery requested by NTF beneficiaries as their preferred reintegration option, specifically tractor’s attachments,  took place on 15th January of 2008 with the participation of IOM and representatives of MOD's Transitional Team.

The provision of this equipment will enable beneficiaries to apply more effective and efficient farming techniques, hence futher ensuring their economic self sufficiency.

The NATO/PfP Trust Fund for BiH contributes to the overall objectives of BiH to maintain peace and stability, foster economic recovery, reduce unemployment and generate income by facilitating the resettlement into civilian and economic life of persons discharged in the course of the BiH defence reform process of 2006, and those previously downsized in 2004.

The NTF Programme for BiH is supported by 3 Lead Nations, the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Croatia, as well as by other countries who participate in its funding including: Italy, Slovenia, Turkey, Hungary, Bulgaria, Spain, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Finland, Norway, Czech Republic, Luxembourg and Slovakia.

For any additional information that you may need, please contact:

Mrs. Edita Selimbegović, PR Consultant International Organization for Migration – Mission in BiH Tel: +387 (0)33 648 150 Fax: +387 (0)33 648 202 Mob: +387 (0)61 212 259


2008 January 09 - Zenica

Delivery of Agricultural Equipment to Redundant and Discharged MoD personnel Under the NATO/PfP Trust Fund Programme

The aim of the NATO/PfP Trust Fund Programme (NTF) implemented by International Organization for Migration (IOM) is to facilitate the social and economic reintegration of discharged and redundant BiH Ministry of Defense (MoD) personnel in 2006/2007, as well as those discharged in 2004 in the process of BiH Defence Reform.

IOM staff provides individual counselling relating to the needs and concerns of the beneficiaries and recommend the optimal reintegration option vis-ŕ-vis the beneficiaries’ skills and interests. While some beneficiaries request enhancing their marketable skills through training and pursuit of education, a number of beneficiaries expressed interest in agricultural activities as their preferred reintegration option.

To date, 15 persons in the central Bosnia Region requested the provision of agricultural machinery, specifically Motocultivator 10HP or 12HP, enabling them to apply more effective and efficient farming techniques. Today IOM is distributing Motocultivators for these 15 beneficiaries; this is one of the first group consignments in a series of planned deliveries of agricultural machinery and non-agricultural tools and equipment.

The official handing over of the machinery took place on 09th January of 2008 with the participation of IOM Representatives, and a representative of Transitional Team of BiH Ministry of Defence, Mr. Hasret Turkovic.

All beneficiaries received also the necessary documentation and instructions on proper use, care and maintenance as well as warranty of their respective agricultural mechanisation equipment.

For more information contact:

Mrs. Edita Selimbegovic, IOM Sarajevo, Tel: 387 61 212 259, email: or, Mr. Amr Taha, IOM Sarajevo, Tel: 387 61 215 839, email:

2007 October 25

IOM and BiH MoD Joint Press Conference

The Joint Press Conference by the Ministry of Defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the 3 Lead Nations Representatives in BiH (The United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Croatia) and the International Organization for Migration-IOM, on the occasion of the visit of the Lead Nations Representatives and NATO international Staff from Brussels, was held on Thursday, 25th October, in Sarajevo.

BiH Deputy Minister of Defence announced the final number of NATO/PfP Trust Fund Programme of 3.261 persons, including members of BiH Armed Forces who were dismissed in earlier processes of reduction and haven’t been involved in other programmes of assistance.

On behalf of the 3 Lead Nations, the Ambassador of Kingdom of Netherlands in Bosnia and Herzegovina, stressed the good progress of BiH in its Partnership for Peace Cooperation and acknowledged the role of the Ministry of Defence in that process as well as in the NATO Trust Fund. It was acknowledged that the NATO/PfP Trust Fund is an important part of the larger defence reform process and its further progress will depend largely on full political and practical cooperation from BiH’s side. This commitment is indispensable to the successful implementation of the project.

In that respect, he noted that the NATO Trust Fund Representatives from Brussels have been impressed by what they saw during their field visits to IOM regional offices an to NTF beneficiaries, They “found NATO Trust Fund staff highly motivated, knowledgeable and dynamic in seeking solutions for the beneficiaries”.

The Chief of the Mission of the International Organization for Migration Ms. Regina Boucault reiterated that members of BiH Armed Forces can get assistance within the NATO Trust Fund in the form of education, or for launching or expansion of an existing business, assistance in self-employment, agriculture, counselling, as well as finding other adequate and available programmes to facilitate sustainable inclusion of NATO Trust Fund beneficiaries into civilian life. 

For any additional information that you may need, please contact:

Mrs. Edita Selimbegović, PR Consultant International Organization for Migration – Mission in BiH Tel: +387 (0)33 648 150 Fax: +387 (0)33 648 202 Mob: +387 (0)61 212 259

2007 August 15

Foreign Experts May Get Czech Permanent Residence after only 18 Months

Since 1st July 2007 a new category of highly qualified participants of the Czech pilot project Selection of Qualified Foreign Workers has been introduced. It shall be opened for foreigners who are working in the Czech Republic on posts which require university degree and matches their profession (education or working experience). Participants in this category are entitled to apply for permanent residence permit already after 1,5 years of participation in the project.

Since the same day a new country has been involved in the project – India. Citizens of India, together with citizens of other project countries Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Russian Federation, Serbia and Ukraine, after fulfilling set criteria, can obtain permanent residence permit in the Czech Republic in a shortened period of 2,5 years or in case of the new category already after 1,5 years. The same opportunity belongs to graduates of Czech universities and secondary schools regardless their country of origin.

Another important change in the project is also extension of the “grace period” for a search of a new job. For all project participants it has been extended from 30 to 45 days. Participants who in the first year of the project lose their job through no fault of their own are entitled to a 45 day grace period during which they do not lose their visa and their residence permit is not revoked. The above mentioned grace period should serve as time during which participants search for another job in the CR. In the course of following years of the pilot project the participants are given the grace period also if they lose their job for other reasons (formulated by the Czech law).

The pilot project was started in July 2003 by the Czech Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Its goal is to bring foreign specialists and their families to the Czech Republic. After 36 selection procedures, the project has over 700 participants and first 153 participants have already received permanent residence permit. For detailed information about the project, please call International Organization for Migration 033 648 213 or check the website

2007 August 15

Strani eksperti mogu dobiti stalni boravak u Češkoj već nakon 18 mjeseci

Od 01.07.2007. uvedena je nova kategorija visoko kvalificiranih učesnika Češkog pilot projekta Odabir kvalificiranih stranih radnika. Biće otvoren za strance koji rade u Češkoj Republici na radnim mjestima za koja je potrebno fakultetsko obrazovanje i koja odgovaranju njihovoj profesiji (obrazovanju ili radnom iskustvu). Učesnici u ovoj kategoriji imaju pravo prijaviti se za stalni boravak već nakon 1,5 godine učešća u projektu.

Od istoga dana u projektu učestvuje i nova zemlja, a to je Indija. Građani Indije zajedno sa građanima drugih zemalja koje učestvuju u projektu Belarusijom, Bosnom i Hercegovinom, Kanadom, Hrvatskom, Kazahstanom, Makedonijom, Moldavijom, Crnom Gorom, Ruskom Federacijom, Srbijom i Ukrajinom mogu dobiti dozvolu stalnog boravka nakon skraćenog perioda od 2,5 godine ili već nakon 1,5 godine za novu kategoriju. Istu priliku imaju diplomci sa univerziteta i srednjih škola u Češkoj bez obzira na zemlju porijekla.

Druga važna izmjena u projektu je produženje „zaštitnog perioda“ za pronalazak novog posla. Za sve učesnike projekta ovo vrijeme je produženo sa 30 na 45 dana. Učesnici koji tokom prve godine izgube posao, ali ne svojom krivicom imaju zaštitni period od 45 dana tokom kojeg neće izgubiti vizu i dozvolu boravka. Gore navedeni zaštitni period treba poslužiti kao vrijeme tokom kojeg će učesnici potražiti drugi posao u Češkoj. Tokom narednih godina učesnici pilot projekta također imaju zaštitni period u slučaju da izgube posao iz drugih razloga (utvrđenom zakonom u Češkoj).

Pilot projekat započeo je u julu 2003, a pokrenut je od strane Ministarstva rada i socijalnih poslova Češke. Cilj projekta je dovesti strane stručnjake i njihove porodice u Češku Republiku. Nakon 36 selekcijskih procedura, projekat ima preko 700 učesnika i prva 153 učesnika su već dobili dozvolu stranog boravka. Za detaljne informacije o projektu, molimo vas da pozovete međunarodnu organizaciju za migracije (IOM) na broj telefona 033 648 213 ili posjetite web stranicu

2007 April 13

Reintegration Assistance for Former Ministry of Defence Personnel

The IOM office in Sarajevo has launched an information campaign to notify military and civilian personnel from the Ministry of Defence made redundant over the past three years that they can benefit from a reintegration programme under the NATO/Partnership for Peace Trust Fund, which is run by IOM in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).

The programme, which is funded by NATO Member States and led by the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Croatia aims to assist 6,000 ex-soldiers and ex-employees from the Ministry of Defence integrate into the civilian workforce by providing business counselling and training, job placement, agricultural tools and other trade-related equipment, or help them start small income generating businesses.

In order to benefit from this programme, demobilized soldiers must register with IOM by mail before 31 May. Information on registration procedures are being disseminated throughout the media and registration forms will also be available as of 16 April on IOM’s website

Once the identification and registration of former military personnel is completed, IOM will deploy staff in three field offices to carry one-on-one interviews with beneficiaries to assess their individual needs and to identify the best options for their sustainable reintegration into civilian life and the workforce.

The programme, which is schedule to run for the next three years, builds upon a similar programme that has provided successful reintegration assistance to some 4,000 former soldiers who had been discharged from the armed forces in 2002.

Since the past 5 years, BiH has been carrying out a defence reform process to access the NATO Partnership for Peace and, ultimately, become a member of NATO. Part of the defence reform process includes the downsizing of the armed forces from 33,000 in 2001 to some 10,000 in 2007.

For more information contact Regina Boucault, IOM Sarajevo, Tel + 387 33 611 738, email: or Amr Taha, IOM Sarajevo, Tel: 387 61 215 839, email:

2006 December 12


On December 15, 2006, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Mission in BiH will launch a seven week information campaign on the NATO Trust Fund assistance Programme entitled “Register Yourself” through TV, radio and print media.

The NATO Trust Fund is available on a voluntary basis with priority given to those personnel made redundant in 2006/2007. The aim of the campaign is to inform the beneficiaries of the need to register in order to be eligible for NATO Trust Fund assistance. The Registration process will be between 15 January and 20 February 2007.

For those who will be made redundant or discharged in 2006/7, they will receive Registration Forms with the letter by which the Ministry of Defence will inform them about their redundancy or discharge by 31 December 2006.

For those who have been discharged in 2004, they can retrieve registration forms after 15 January 2007 at the closest military facilities from their residence upon presentation of the letter of discharge. Registration forms will also be available as of 15 January 2006 on IOM website

The aim of the NATO Trust Fund Programme implemented by IOM is to facilitate the social and economic reintegration of military professionals made redundant or discharged in 2006/2007, as well as those discharged in 2004 in the process of Defence Reform. The NATO Trust Fund assistance programme is available on a voluntary basis. Priority will be given to those personnel made redundant or discharged in 2006/2007; those discharged in 2004 may be eligible based on an assessment of their personal situation. The NATO Trust Fund for BiH is supported by 3 Lead Nations, the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Croatia, as well as by other countries who participate in its funding including to date: Italy, Slovenia, Turkey, Hungary, Bulgaria, Spain, Poland, Denmark and Sweden

For further information on the NATO Trust Fund: -

Media contact: Edita Selimbegović / 033-648-150, 061-212-259. PR Consultant IOM Mission in BiH

2006 September 08

European Union provides 1 million Euro for the establishment of a Reception Centre for Irregular Migrants

All media representatives are kindly invited to attend a ceremony of signing Memorandum of Understanding on the establishment of a Reception Centre for Irregular Migrants between Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, International Organisation for Migration and Delegation of the European Commission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which will take place on Wednesday, 13 September 2006, at 12.00 hrs, at the premises of the Delegation of the European Commission in Bosnia and Herzeovina, Durbovačka 6.

The Memorandum of Understanding will be signed by Mr Bariša Čolak, Minister of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ms Regina Boucault, Chief of Mission of the International Organisation for Migration and Mr Michael Humphreys, Head of Delegation of the European Commission in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

European Union provided 1 million euro for the establishment of the Reception Centre for Irregular Migrants within its CARDS 2006 programme and BiH authorities have committed to contribute 250.000 Euro from the national budget. The establishment of the Centre is a part of the BiH's priorities for fighting illegal migration and trafficking in human beings: a Migration Information System, a Service of Foreigners, amendments to the current Law and a Migration and a Reception Centre for Irregular Migrants at the State level.

This Memorandum will govern the tasks and responsibilities of BiH Ministry of Security, International Organisation for Migration and EC Delegation in establishing a functional Reception Centre for Irregular Migrants in line with the international and European standards. Signing of this Memorandum represents an important step towards making progress and fighting irregular migration effectively.

2006 July 19


The Czech Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MLSA), has launched the Pilot Project on the “Selection of Qualified Foreign Workers” in Bosnia and Herzegovina today. The International Organization for Migration in Sarajevo (IOM), will be the implementing partner responsible for informing the public about the project.

The aim of the project is to open opportunities for qualified workers, who meet the eligibility criteria for long-term employment in the Czech Republic, to attain permanent residence. Eligible candidates, who have a job in the Czech Republic, can apply to the project and attain a permanent residence permit in the Czech Republic after two and a half years, instead of the current five. This advantage will also be extended to immediate family members.

The Czech government has been successfully implementing this project since 2003 in Belarus, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia  and Ukraine.  As of July 2006, the project has been expanded to include Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and the Russian Federation.  “This project helps to combat irregular migration by opening the door to legal migrants. In addition, attaining a permanent residence permit brings the level of social and economic rights for legal migrants in line with those of Czech nationals and thereby prevents any negative social impact on migrant families", said Zdena Caisová, project manager from the Czech MLSA.

Since its inception in July 2003, over 400 candidates have been selected to participate in the project.

More information about the project can be found on the website or by calling the information line 033 648 213 (9-12h, 14-17h)

2006 May 17

IOM organised Police/ Judicial Training Workshop on EU Best Practices on Combating Illegal Migration, and Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants

Organised crime and in particular, trafficking and smuggling of persons continue to flourish in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the wider region of the Western Balkans. In view of the enhanced partnership and future integration of this region into the European Union, law enforcement officers and members of the judiciary received training to fight against these crimes based on the EU standards and best practices. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, 40 officers from border police, specialised anti-trafficking units and basic rank frontline police officers participated in a five-day workshop organised jointly by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Vraca Police Academy from May 8-12, 2006. 

The trainers of this pilot workshop took part in a regional train-the-trainer event in Budapest, Hungary, as well as in a regional study visit there in 2005. They had the opportunity to enhance their training skills under the guidance by international experts and to exchange information and experience with colleagues from Albania, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Serbia and Montenegro (including the Province of Kosovo). The workshop is to be seen as a pilot event which will lay the basis for including regionally harmonised training curricula on Combating Illegal Migration and Smuggling of Migrants as well as Combating Trafficking in Persons into the regular study program of law enforcement officers from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

These activities are undertaken in the framework of the CARDS Regional Police Project, funded by the European Commission and the Council of Europe and managed by IOM. For more information, please contact Ms Edita Selimbegović, Press Officer, IOM Sarajevo

2006 April 17

IOM – Swedish Medical Programme - Donates Medical Equipment to the Eye Clinic at the University Clinic Center Sarajevo

On Monday April 17 2006, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), through the Swedish Medical Programme (SMP), donated medical equipment for advanced eye surgery, worth 30,000KM, to the Sarajevo Eye Clinic at the University Clinic Center Sarajevo.

Dr. Amila Alikadić-Husović, Director of the University Eye Clinic, accepted the donation on behalf of the University Clinic. She stressed that the excellent cooperation with IOM was providing necessary equipment to enable doctors at the clinic to perform advanced eye surgeries, especially vitroretinal surgery. “Today’s donation continues nine years of cooperation between the Eye Clinic in Sarajevo and IOM’s Swedish Medical Program,” said Dr. Alikadić-Husović.

Patients in BiH now have access to surgical procedures that used to require treatment abroad. Ten years ago there were no centers for vitroretinal surgery in BiH but with donations of equipment and training from the SMP the Eye Clinic at the University Clinic Center Sarajevo now performs 3-4 vitroretinal surgeries per week.

In addition to donations of equipment, BiH doctors have received training in Sweden and Swedish doctors have visited BiH to conduct training sessions and perform surgeries with BiH doctors.

IOM, through the Swedish Medical Program at the University Hospital in Linköping, has been building the capacity of both the Sarajevo and Banja Luka ophthalmology clinics for nearly a decade.

2006 March 07

Bosnian Health Professionals to recieve specialized training in Sweden

On March 13, a Bosnian team for orthopedic surgery, comprised of three orthopedic surgeons, an anaesthesiologist, and an operating theatre technician, will be leaving for Sweden to receive specialized trainings. The orthopedic surgeons, who are part of IOM’s Swedish Medical Program, will be attending an advanced course in arthroscopic surgery in Are from March 15-19, while the remaining team members will be receiving practical training in Stockholm. After the training, members of the team will remain in Sweden in order to gain practical experience in advanced arthroscopic surgery techniques.

This training complements training already completed by a team of rehabilitation (post-operative care) specialists who have just returned from Sweden where they attended a ten-day education course.

The introduction of modern treatment methods in the field of orthopedics is essential as BiH, is significantly behind in its treatment methods for joint injuries.

Since 1995, IOM’s Swedish Medical Program has worked to build the capacity of local medical institutions by providing on-the job training and knowledge exchanges through visits by Swedish medical teams who perform complicated surgeries in BiH with local counterparts and by having Bosnian doctors attend trainings in Sweden.

For any additional information that you may need, please contact:

Mrs. Edita Selimbegović, PR Consultant International Organization for Migration – Mission in BiH Tel: +387 (0)33 648 150 Fax: +387 (0)33 648 202 Mob: +387 (0)61 212 259

2005 November 28

Western Balkans Conference in Brussels EC CARDS Regional Programme on Asylum, Migration and Visa

On 14th December 2005, high level government representatives from Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia & Montenegro will be attending the Closing Conference of the two year CARDS Programme on Establishment of EU compatible legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks in the fields of asylum, migration and visa matters.

The project was funded by the Directorate General Enlargement of the European Commission and implemented by the Swedish Migration Board in co-operation with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – for asylum, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) – for migration – and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) – for visa. Over the last two years the project has assisted the governments of the Western Balkan States in taking further steps towards full alignment of their legislations, institutional structures and procedures in the areas of visa, migration and asylum with EU standards in a regionally compatible way.

The Swedish Migration Board is hosting the Closing Conference of the Project in Brussels. The conference will bring together high level representatives from the Ministries of the Interior and Foreign Affairs from each of the Western Balkan countries. The conference will also include the publication of a ‘Roadmap on Integrated Asylum, Migration and Visa Management in the Western Balkans’.

The conference will be facilitated by the Director General of the Swedish Migration Board and contributions from representatives of the Directorate General Enlargement as well as from the Directorate General Justice, Liberty and Security of the European Commission are expected. Senior representatives from the implementing partners UNHCR, IOM and ICMPD will discuss the results of the project.

The conference is being held at Bibliotheque Solvey in Parc Leopold in Brussels. Interviews with participants of the conference are possible upon request.

For more information please contact:

Project Director Anders Westerberg
+ 46 768 569 569

Deputy Project Director Mathilde Skovdal
+ 46 708 600 785

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