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Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR) Programme to Bosnia and Herzegovina and to Kosovo province for rejected asylum seekers/irregular migrants currently residing in the Canton of Vaud (Switzerland)

The project aims at facilitating the voluntary return of rejected asylum seekers from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo province, who have overstayed their time of departure and who are currently residing in the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland, as well as at supporting their sustainable reintegration in their countries of origin (CoO).

The project makes use of structures of the already existing Swiss AVR for vulnerable persons. It will use and adapt this flexible and efficient operational and administrative framework to provide return and reintegration assistance to these returnees. The project consists of different modules a returnee can call on to design his/her return in the best possible way, subject to the decision on a case-by-case basis by the Canton of Vaud in co-ordination with IOM Bern.

As regards return related assistance in the field of return movements (i.e. routing, ticketing, transit assistance, reception and secondary transportation), IOM will organise this under its already existing SIM programme in co-operation with swissREPAT.

The purpose of the project is to facilitate the assisted voluntary return and reintegration of persons with a precarious status from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo province, who are currently residing in the Canton of Vaud, in particular:

To provide direct assistance to the returnees, such as referral to social and other services after arrival, housing support, grants disbursement, advices on the projects, possibilities of training, secondary transportation to Sarajevo and Prishtina area, etc. To support the social and professional reintegration of the project participants through measures determined on case-by-case basis.


Canton Vaud - Switzerland

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